They gave three wide papers from which we had to choose the party as well as the exact person as our reps. Surely I chose those two parties with female for each section. Although it was cloudy and the site is definitely within walking distance of only 10 minutes, I came home sweat! While taking a short chill, one of my best long buddy came. We went to our best friend's house for a luncheon.
It was extremely wonderful to catch up with my lovely dearest four girls. We've been close friends since we were in junior high - been 21 years of friendship! (Ngie, how come you calculated it 18 years? - never mind, we always miscalculate when it comes to numbers, even for our own birth date, aight?).
I fully understand with the fact that after 21 years, Wulan still think that my bday is May 23!. Lia also mispelled Ari's last name, in which it supposed to be Norisa's husband last name. My God!
Along the conversation, the issue remains the same. There is always a problem with the flow of communication. No story is shared completely, simply because no one listens. Everyone talks, interupts, I think because when we get together, the energy becomes so enourmous, we just could not control it (especially miss Lia 'on fire'!).
Since each of us don't have luxurious time to have this gathering often, this is surely a moment we're always waiting for. After senior high, I went to Bandung for college, followed by flying to Houston, Texas. Wulan traveled to Shanghai, Germany, Netherland and Liverpool, before got back to Jakarta just recently. Lia has been in Bali and soon move to Switzerland.
Our celeb friend is also busy with on-air schedules and off air jobs. Good thing is, she frequently comes back with new juicy gossip like True Hollywood Story -Jakarta version.
I think I agree on what Emerson said: 'It is one of the blessing of old friends that you can afford of being stupid with them.' Ours is even very stupid, very silly and no regret! But hey, at the same time, we have private moments to talk about our deepest feeling we've been dealing with ourselves because we don't really know to whom we're able to tell (trust issue, I believe).
Well, okay... I leaked one huge secret the other day about Noicha, but it turned out to be something better kan... (little blemish on my face right now, haha)
In short, and most importantly, I thank God for having very unique and special friends like them. And I pray to God for their most happiness in life, together with their loved ones. Love you much girls... always!
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