Monday, January 24, 2005

Sixth Sense

My 20 month old baby likes to talk on the front hallway as if she communicates with "someone". At first, I did not worry at all. She might be just learning to talk the way her parents do. When I do household activity such as cooking in the kitchen, I sees her enjoying herself on that hallway, pretending that she has a friend to play with. She starts bubbling, yelling and laughing. Watching that, as a mom, I just laughing. She's so cute and imaginative.

BUT not today. I think she acts beyond being imaginative. When I cooked in the kitchen and noticed that my daughter did not come to me for quite a long time then I saw her talking... on the hallway. I observed her ... she was actually communicating with "her friend". It was so obvious. She talked, then stop as if she listened, then talk back, then nodding, then yelling, then watching a focal point, then laughing, then running before turning back to see whether her friend tried to catch her. My heart beat so fast. Who's her friend?

I slowly came closer to the hallway, wondering if I have the so-called sixth sense so I'll be able to see her friend. Zero result. Nothing was there. As my baby noticed I was there, she then went over to the living room. Her friend has left. Perhaps because I came?

My sister once told me that her 4 years old boy one day said, "Bye grandma...". He was waiving his hand to an empty chair in front of my sister's bedroom. My sister was scared to death, asking all of the two nannies and two servants to sleep in her room. Do kids actually see spirits we don't? Do they really play and make friends with them? Will they disappear as our children grow? Trying hard to be wise on this, I just hope that those unseen won't bother my family member.

I do believe that there are "the others" who live in our place. As long as they don't bother us, I won't bother them. And I just wish that my baby won't have that sixth sense every now and then. I just feel that it is safer to be "dissabled" on this particular matter. My job is to protect my children from anything, including from being insecure of seeing them.

I wish...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12/7/08 17:16

    After reading your post on this matter... I kind of understand where you are coming from. As a mother of two.. I'd probably freaked out as well if I saw one of my childern start talking, laughing, and playing with an imaginary friend.

    On this matter i actually think it is a combine of two things. The first one would be as the child grows their brain development usually goes through that phase where they think they are having an imaginary friend or even the monster in the closets. And often when the child brain is developing they have so many nightmares at night. For me this is a much more reasonable reason to believe.

    But in the other hand... I do believe in sixth sense... and a person once told me.. you can prevent things like this from happening to you or your child by putting a shield. Now.. when i say "shield" i mean.. by PRAYErs.. :) So my advice is dont worry!! they will go through this phase and get over it.. just bfore u know it.. so just be patient and just have faith. You see a person see what they wants to see and what they wants to believe so its a choice for you and hopefully everything will be just fine for you and your daughter.
